Free Consultation

Free Consultation

ONE IDEA, Properly Implemented and Executed, Is All You Need to Take Your Business to the Next Level

A problem is re-defined and the solution becomes obvious. A little bit of outside perspective breaks you “out of the box” and accelerates your growth. Bill Crawford provides an array of consulting services and can provide fresh insight and new angles to solving your Contractor problems. This is a 20 minute FREE phone consultation.

Here’s how this works:



Fill out the form to the right and we’ll email you to set up a day and time for the FREE consultation!


You will be advised to schedule a time and date that is available.


You will speak with industry expert Bill Crawford (consultation for up-to 30mins)



(Note: We do not do consultations for online businesses associated with adult content or products, gambling sites, or any other markets that we’re personally uncomfortable with.)

To schedule your FREE consultation with Bill, please call Jon at (630) 929- 7246. Or visit our website at

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